More silliness was pointed out to me.  I was looking at Jeff Kell's from: 
address and looked up to get your location, forgetting you mentioned 
Colorado in your original post.

I'm going to sign off and enjoy the holidays since I clearly am not doing 
anyone any good here.


On Dec 27, 2012, at 13:54 , Patrick W. Gilmore <> wrote:
> On Dec 27, 2012, at 13:46 , randal k <> wrote:
>> Thanks for your prompt response. Yes, we are trying to determine where/how 
>> we receive it ... not necessarily influence it, as there isn't so much we 
>> can do there as Netflix' egress policy is theirs and theirs alone 
>> (interestingly, nobody has communities to influence Netflix' AS2906 
>> traffic). We cannot peer directly with Netflix as their openconnect 
>> statement requires 2gbps minimum, and mentions elsewhere that the like 5+. 
>> We aren't at 2gbps yet, and we are nowhere near one of their POPs -- it is 
>> way cheaper to buy 2-3gbps of cheap transit than it is to buy 2-3gbps of 
>> transport from Denver to LA.
> Ah, I misunderstood.  Mea Culpa.  I thought you were saying since they only 
> had 1.4 Gbps to you, you wouldn't peer with them.  Silly of me.
> The 2 Gbps is only for PNI, but yeah, I can see how paying to get to LA or 
> Denver may be expensive.  Although once you did, you could peer with a lot 
> more than just Netflix.  On the other hand, how much is it to get to Atlanta? 
>  Looks relatively close (miles-wise, don't know fiber routes in Tennessee).
> Anyway, while their egress decisions are theirs (as is true of everyone), 
> they probably will be happy to discuss with you - once the holidays are over.
> -- 
> patrick
>> As mentioned, my notes to have gone unanswered for the 
>> holidays (not unexpected), so I thought I'd ping the hive mind for some info 
>> in the meantime.
>> Cheers,
>> Randal
>> On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Patrick W. Gilmore <> 
>> wrote:
>> On Dec 27, 2012, at 13:19 , randal k <> wrote:
>>> I work at a datacenter in southern Colorado that is the upstream bandwidth
>>> provider for several regional ISPs. We have been investigating our
>>> ever-growing bandwidth usage and have found that out of transits
>>> (Level3,Cogent,HE) that Netflix always seems to come in via Hurricane
>>> Electric. (We move ~1.4gbps to Netflix, and are thus not a candidate for
>>> peering. And they have no POP close.)
>> Your statement about peering makes no sense.  You are trying to engineer 
>> where their traffic comes and yet you refuse to have a direct connection 
>> which would give you full control?  Weird.......
>>> I tested this by advertising a /24 across all providers, then selectively
>>> removed the advertisement to certain carriers to see where the bandwidth
>>> goes. In order, it appears that if there is a HE route, Netflix uses it,
>>> period. If there isn't, it prefers Level3, and Cogent comes last.
>> Completely unsurprising.
>>> Since Netflix is a big hunk of our bandwidth (and obviously makes our
>>> customers happy), we are included to buy some more HE. However, if Netflix
>>> decides that they want to randomly switch to, say, Cogent, we may be under
>>> a year-long bandwidth contract that isn't particularly valuable anymore.
>>> With all of that, I am interested in finding out of any knowledge about
>>> Netflix transit preferences, be it inside information, anecdotal, or
>>> otherwise. I did email peering@ but haven't heard back, thus the public
>>> question.
>> Why don't you ask Netflix?
>> And why not ask them for kit to put on-net?  
>> <>
>> --
>> TTFN,
>> patrick

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