On Jan 13, 2013, at 7:54 AM, bmann...@vacation.karoshi.com wrote:
> Since it is possible to fund -by sector-, there is no good reason to tar the 
> entire Union with the same brush.

Bill, please read the petition before attempting to comment on it.

Again, the petition specifically excludes ITU-R, for exactly the reasons that 
you and I have both just cited.

And if you think it's possible to fund by sector, you're not paying close 
enough attention, and haven't read the ITU budget documents I provided with the 

    - It's only possible for sector members to fund by sector.
    - This petition does not address sector members.
    - It's not possible for governments to fund by sector.
    - Money is fungible.

So, here, have some rope: how would you fund by sector?


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