On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 9:13 AM, Jay Ashworth <j...@baylink.com> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Warren Bailey" <wbai...@satelliteintelligencegroup.com>
>> We as Americans have plenty of things we have done halfass.. I hope an
>> Internet kill switch doesn't end up being one of them. Build your own
>> private networks, you can't get rooted if someone can't knock. Simple
>> as that.
> Well, Warren, I once had a discussion with someone about whether dedicated
> DS-1 to tie your SCADA network together were "secure enough" and they asked
> me:
> "Does it run through a DACS? Where can you program the DACS from?"

Did you open that PDF regarding DACS security ?



> Cheers,
> -- jra
> --
> Jay R. Ashworth                  Baylink                       
> j...@baylink.com
> Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
> Ashworth & Associates     http://baylink.pitas.com         2000 Land Rover DII
> St Petersburg FL USA               #natog                      +1 727 647 1274

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