--- calin.chior...@secdisk.net wrote:
From: "calin.chiorean" <calin.chior...@secdisk.net>

:: This all seems to be noobie stuff. There's nothing technically cool 
:: to see here

>> You mean the report or the activity?

The activity.

>> You seem "upset" that they are using M$ only(target and 
>> source). 

I'm not upset.  I'm pointing out what Steven Bellovin said 
in just a few words: "This strongly suggests that it's not 
their A-team..."  

This is a technical mailing list where cutting edge stuff 
is discussed.  The compromise was not using cutting edge 
stuff and, so, is a big <yawn> for this list.

The report was mainly for reporters.  That's why they had
the omg sound byte bullet points at the top.  It's also
why they had to explain several low level things in detail.


>> Maybe it was meant to be found. 

That is a definite possibility.


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