
Alexander Neilson
Neilson Productions Limited
021 329 681
022 456 2326

On 8/08/2013, at 9:47 AM, Marsh Ray <> wrote:

>> From: Christopher Morrow
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2013 2:06 PM
>> On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 4:59 PM, Marsh Ray <> wrote:
>>> It would be incredibly useful for someone to start a page or a category on
>> Wikipedia "List of Internet Routing and DNS Incidents" that would include
>> both "accidental" and malicious events.

I would see there being a problem with Wikipedia trying to categorise some of 
them as accidental / malicious. I think if it was done it would have to be list 
where ones that were publicly announced as accidental would be listed as 
accidents and the rest left un noted to comply with neutral point of view and 

>> do we really need that?
> Have you ever heard of someone using IP addresses as an access control 
> mechanism? (AKA, "IP whitelist")
> When I hear about this, I would really *love* to be able to link them to a 
> credible source.
>> they seem to occur often enough that that isn't really required :(
> *I* believe you, but in practice that's not sufficient to convince many other 
> folks.
> Currently, a section of a page on Wikipedia lists 7 incidents going back to 
> 1997.
> Serious question: Do folks here feel that is an accurate representation of 
> this phenomenon in practice?

I would tend to say as it lists as an external link thats a good 
resource for finding out about other ones that have happened. Also maybe that 
section should be renamed notable incidents and just have it as a sample of 
some of these incidents.

> - Marsh

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