We need someone to help with some overflow. :-)

Dictated on my phone, apologies for any tupos.

On Aug 12, 2013, at 12:50 PM, Blake Dunlap <iki...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The email address you're sending from is for a service that does what you're 
> asking for, and your signature lists you as the CEO, so I guess all I can say 
> is, in the words of Bob: "What would ya say... ya do here?"
> -Blake
> On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 1:00 PM, Anne P. Mitchell, Esq. <amitch...@isipp.com> 
> wrote:
>> All,
>> I hope this is an ok place to post this - the people on this list have a 
>> unique skill-set and world view that is exactly in synch with that for which 
>> we are looking. :-)
>> We're looking for someone for some very limited (in terms of hours) 
>> part-time contract work..but ongoing, regular work… the person needs to have 
>> a keen sense of "why did this email fail delivery" and/or "why is this email 
>> going to the junk folder" and "why did this email end up blacklisted" (this 
>> is for email sent by white hat senders, or at very least senders who are 
>> trying to be white hat - *not* for black hat stuff).
>> So, basically, someone who, when shown an email (full headers, etc.) their 
>> first thought would be to check whether authentication was set up properly, 
>> is rDNS set up properly, what does the content look like, what are the IPs 
>> of the various hops and are any of them blacklisted, etc. etc..
>> If anyone here has that background/skill set and might be interested in, 
>> say, 5 to 10 hours a week extra work (remote, time of day not important so 
>> long as they are available most days, so ideal for picking up some extra 
>> cash after $DAYJOB), please let me know offlist.  Please also feel free to 
>> send this to anyone you think might be a good fit, so long as you'd be 
>> willing to vouch for them.
>> Thanks!
>> Anne
>> Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law
>> Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003
>> CEO/President: Institute for Social Internet Public Policy
>> Providers: SuretyMail Email Accreditation
>> Member: California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee

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