BTW Linux distributions are available to download via bittorrent, so we
dont really need Akamai/Limelight here. Is there a reason why Apple has not
adopted bit-torrent for distribution? Are there legal/commercial
implications using bit-torrent?


On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 4:29 PM, Neil Harris <> wrote:

> On 23/09/13 10:32, John Smith wrote:
>> Picked this off (network and Cisco blog aggregator):
>> http://routingfreak.wordpress.**com/2013/09/23/ios7s-impact-**
>> on-networks-worldwide/<>
>> The consensus seems to be for providers to install CDN servers, if they
>> arent able to cope up with an occasional OS update traffic.
>> John
> Perhaps Apple, Microsoft etc. should consider using Bittorrent as a way of
> distributing their updates? If ISPs were to run their own Bittorrent
> servers (with appropriate restrictions, see below), this would then create
> an instant CDN, with no need to define any other protocols or pay any third
> parties.
> The hard bit would be to create a way for Apple etc. to be able to
> authoritatively say "we are the content owners, and are happy for you to
> replicate this locally": but perhaps this could be as simple serving the
> initial seed from an HTTPS server with a valid certificate? It would then
> be trivial to create a whitelist of the domains of the top 10 or so
> distributors of patches, and then everything would work automatically from
> then on.
> -- N.

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