On 9/27/2013 1:10 AM, Ryan McIntosh wrote:
I don't respond to many of these threads but I have to say I've
contested this one too only to have to beaten into my head that a /64
is "appropriate".. it still hasn't stuck, but unfortunately rfc's for
other protocols depend on the blocks to now be a /64..

It's a waste, even if we're "planning for the future", no one house
needs a /64 sitting on their lan.. or at least none I can sensibly
think of o_O.

Are you accounting for connections to your refrigerator, water heater, razor, vibrator, and on down to list so the gubermint can tell they when you can use power for them?

Requiescas in pace o email           Two identifying characteristics
                                        of System Administrators:
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio      Infallibility, and the ability to
                                        learn from their mistakes.
                                          (Adapted from Stephen Pinker)

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