On Thu, 13 Mar 2014 12:46:06 -0400, William Herrin said:

> Correct me if I'm wrong, but by the time "hacker" emerged as a word
> distinct from "hack" it already carried implications of mischief and
> disregard for the rules in addition to the original implication of
> creatively solving a technical challenge. Is that mistaken?

To the contrary - there was a period of time when "hacker" included those who
were responsible for creative hacks that followed the rules *as they actually
were*, not as they were generally believed to be.

"It had the virtue of never having been tried before".  James T Kirk was (will
be?e?) an old-school hacker of epic level. (Contemplate for a bit why Kirk
wasn't bounced out on his butt from the Academy)

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