On 3/17/2014 9:10 PM, shawn wilson wrote:
The point is that 'computer security' involves innovation as much as
is done at hacker spaces (which can be geared to hardware or computer
security or whatever). I think the difference you're trying to argue
is the legality and not the task or process. I think calling the
illegal form of the study of computer security "cracking", the legal
form "hacking" and people who are "cracking" who don't know what
they're doing "script kiddies" is irrelevant, useless, and causes
useless debates (that I started) like this.

Requiescas in pace o email           Two identifying characteristics
                                        of System Administrators:
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio      Infallibility, and the ability to
                                        learn from their mistakes.
                                          (Adapted from Stephen Pinker)

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