On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Naslund, Steve <snasl...@medline.com> wrote:
> Nice idea, too bad no one can make any money on building infrastructure but 
> not selling the services on top of it.  Remember Global Crossing?  You are 
> asking one company to put up all the capital expense and then try to recover 
> it by allowing access to their infrastructure to anyone at low rates.  Not 
> gonna work.  Just on a piece of paper, figure out what it costs to get fiber 
> to your neighborhood from the nearest central office and then how much you 
> have to charge to pay for that.  If you can get a reasonable price that 
> returns your investment within 20 years, I will be impressed.

IIRC, GLBX didn't receive taxpayer funded subsidies, nor municipal
bonds, in order to roll out their infrastructure.

I would gather that a fiber plant, on whole, costs less than the
number of subscribers, multiplied by average monthly bill, and again
by average length of service.... not to mention 20 years.

-Jim P.

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