Already too late :(

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On 02.04.2014 23:40, Aris Lambrianidis wrote:
Contacted about this, I urge others to do the same.


On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 9:33 PM, Andrew (Andy) Ashley

Hi All,

I am a network admin for Aware Corporation AS18356 (Thailand), as
mentioned in the alert.
We operate a BGPMon PeerMon node on our network, which peers with the
BGPMon service as a collector.

It is likely that AS4761 (INDOSAT) has somehow managed to hijack these
prefixes and CAT (Communications Authority of Thailand AS4651) is not
filtering them,
hence they are announced to us and are triggering these BGPMon alerts.

I have had several mails to our NOC about this already and have responded
directly to those.
I suggest contacting Indosat directly to get this resolved.
AS18356 is a stub AS, so we are not actually advertising these learned
hijacked prefixes to anyone but BGPMon for data collection purposes.

Best regards,
Adrian Minta

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