On Jun 19, 2014, at 12:18 PM, "STARNES, CURTIS" 
<curtis.star...@granburyisd.org> wrote:

> At 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 per /64, that is a lot of address.
> Right now I cannot get IPv6 at home so I will take getting "screwed" with a 
> /56 or /60 and be estatic about it.
> Curtis

Would be nice if everyone kept it simple and just stuck to /48s though.

It's complicated enough without everyone deploying different prefix sizes.  
Even the /64 net/host split isn't standard enough.  Think of something like 
DHCP - if there's an understanding that it's 'standard' then you can build 
software/hardware around this assumption and provide an easy to use system, 
without forcing the user to make sub-netting decisions.  Making software that 
works with this necessarily has to involve a complex UI and if certain unusual 
combinations don't work then people cry that it doesn't support IPv6.

The way that it's standard to receive one IPv4 address by DHCP and you can just 
plug in a laptop, imagine if in a few years it was standard to receive a /48 
IPv6 prefix on the local router and end user devices can request as many /64s 
as they want.  You could assign a /64 to each app on your cell phone or 
computer.. and this could happen automatically when possible.  Maybe an app 
wants many /64s, that's fine too.  We've gotten used to multiplexing everything 
onto a single overloaded address because it's a scarce resource.  In IPv6 
addresses are not scarce and in time this can be leveraged to simplify 
applications.  Yes, you can overload a single address, we do it all the time in 
IPv4 with proxies and NATs.  There are even hacks for having multiple SSL 
websites on one IPv4 address.  These things came about because the addresses 
are scarce but it's not correct to use the same justifications in IPv6 where 
the unique addresses are practically unlimited.

If we have to assume that /64s might be scarce and they have to be manually 
managed, then applications end up having to ask that question and configuration 
becomes complex.  If we know we can get at least a few hundred of them 
dynamically anywhere we go, then we only have to bother the user when we run 
out, and things 'just work'.


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