Reading the article what occurs to me is:

IPv4 requires a certain amount of administrative personnel overhead.

It's relatively low which is certainly one reason for the success of
IPv4. People are expensive so any new, pervasive technology will be
judged at least in part on its personnel requirements.

I'd go so far as to say that administering large IPv4 networks grows
in personnel roughly as the log of the number of nodes.

If what this is telling us, or warning us, is that IPv6 networks
require higher personnel costs then that could become a big issue.

Particularly among management where they've become used to a few to
several people in a team running the heart of quite large networks.

What if IPv6 deployment doubles or triples that personnel requirement
for the same quality of administration?

Does anyone know of any studies along these lines? My guess is that
there isn't enough data yet.

        -Barry Shein

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