On Saturday, 27 September, 2014 20:49, Jimmy Hess said:
>On Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 8:10 PM, Jay Ashworth <j...@baylink.com> wrote:
>> I haven't an example case, but it is theoretically possible.

>Qmail-smtpd  has a buffer overflow vulnerability related to integer
>overflow which can only be reached when compiled on a 64-bit platform.
>x86_64  did not exist when the code was originally written.

>If memory serves,  the author never acknowledged the vulnerability and
>declined to pay bounty or fix the bug stating   that nobody allows
>gigabytes of RAM per smtp process.

>However.... you see, there you have a lingering bug that can be
>exposed under the right environment....   (Year 2030...  computers
>have Petabytes of RAM...  why would you seriously limit any one
>process to less than a terabyte....?)

>-> http://www.guninski.com/where_do_you_want_billg_to_go_today_4.html

** the person making the change in this instance is referred to as "you".  This 
is not to imply that it is any of you personally, but simply because it is 
easier to write using that pronoun rather than figuring out an appropriate 
third-person descriptive.  I personally think "the retard" is most appropriate, 
but then that is just me :)

In this case however, you have implemented a change and it has changed the 
vulnerability profile.  Presumably at one point you were running Qmail-smtpd on 
x86 (32-bit).  You introduced a change (x86 -> x64) which changed the 
vulnerability profile.  Perhaps you implemented two changes -- one to an x64 
kernel, and second to an x64 userland.  Whatever the case, there was still a 
change, and it was only because of the change that the vulnerability manifested.

If you had not made the change, you would not have introduced the vulnerability.

That your assessment of the change in vulnerability profile resulting from your 
change was defective is the whole point of this discussion.

If you had been rational about the change to from x86 -> x64 and 32-bit 
userland to 64-bit userland, you would have limited all processes to the same 
per-process address space as they had in the x86 model in order to prevent the 
introduction of vulnerabilities such as this, and only permitted larger address 
spaces for processes that required them (ie, were part of the justification for 
making the change).  If the change was "thrust upon you" with no justification, 
then the "thruster" should be terminated (with extreme prejudice, if possible). 
 Notwithstanding, if you are responsible for the Safety and Security of the 
system changed, you should go stand in the corner for failing to perform your 
job adequately, or perhaps be promoted to management where you will no longer 
be a threat.

And the assumption about "(Year 2030...  computers have Petabytes of RAM...  
why would you seriously limit any one process to less than a terabyte....?)" 
implies that there is an intent to implement further change.

Before you make the change to "computers having petabytes of RAM" and "not 
limiting any process to less than a terabyte of per process address space", I 
would hope that you would assess the impact of that change.  Especially since 
you now have additional information on which to generate a more accurate 
assessment of the impact of making that change, and what mitigations you should 
put in place when you make that change to prevent yourself from being either 
terminated with extreme prejudice or promotion to management (unless, of 
course, those are your goals).

One of the reasons for "limiting a process to less than a terabyte of process 
address space" is that it may lead to the manifestation of vulnerabilities such 
as the one discussed here.

My original proposition still holds perfectly:

(1) The vulnerability profile of a system is fixed at system commissioning.
(2) Vulnerabilities do not get created nor destroyed except through 
implementation of change.
(3) If there is no change to a system, then there can be no change in its 

Of course, you must set the boundaries of "system" correctly.  Choosing the 
wrong boundary may cause you to mislead yourself as to what a particular change 
may impact.

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