Lots of other good reasons to oppose this (Comcast customers parking in your 
driveway to get the service, etc.)

What would you tell AT&T if they installed a coin phone at every residential 
outside demarc?

Matthew Kaufman

(Sent from my iPhone)

> On Dec 11, 2014, at 4:33 PM, Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com> wrote:
> This thread is out of control... I will attempt to summarize the salient 
> points in hopes we can stop arguing about inaccurate minutiae.
> I don't like the way Comcast went about doing what they are doing, but I do 
> like the general idea...
> Reasonably ubiquitous free WiFi for your subscribers when they are away from 
> their home location is not a bad idea.
> The way Comcast has gone about it is a bit underhanded and sneaky. The flaws 
> in their plan are not technical, they are ethical and communication-oriented 
> in nature.
> To wit:
>    There's nothing wrong with Comcast adding a separate SSID with dedicated 
> upstream bandwidth on a WAP I rent from them[1].
>    There's no theft of power, as the amount of additional power used is 
> imperceptible, if any.
>    There's no theft of space, climate control, or other overhead as this is 
> performed by existing CPE.
>    There's probably no legal liability being transferred by this to the 
> subscriber.
> In short, the only thing really truly wrong with this scenario is that 
> Comcast is using equipment that the subscriber should have exclusive control 
> over (they are renting it, so while Comcast retains ownership, they have 
> relinquished most rights of control to the "tenant") how the device is used.
> As I see it, there are a couple of ways Comcast could have made this an 
> entirely voluntary (opt-in) program and communicated it to their customers 
> positively and achieved a high compliance rate. Unfortunately, in an action 
> worthy of their title as "America's worst company", instead of positively 
> communicating with their customers and seeking cooperation and permission to 
> build out something cool for everyone, they instead simply inflicted this 
> service on chosen subscribers without notice, warning, or permission.
> In short, Comcast's biggest real failure here is the failure to ask 
> permission from the subscriber before doing this on equipment the subscriber 
> should control.
> Arguing that some obscure phrase in updated ToS documents that nobody ever 
> reads permits this may keep Comcast from losing a law suit (though I hope 
> not), but it certainly won't improve their standing in the court of public 
> opinion. OTOH, Comcast seems to consider the court of public opinion mostly 
> irrelevant or they would be trying to find ways not to retain their title as 
> "America's worst company".
> I will say that my reaction to this, if Comcast had done it to me would be 
> quite different depending on how it was executed...
> Scenario A: Positive outcome
> CC    "Mr. DeLong, we would like to replace your existing cablemodem with a 
> DOCSIS 3.0 unit and give you faster service
>    for free. However, the catch is that we want to put up an additional 
> 2.4Ghz WiFi SSID on the WAP built into the modem
>    that will use separate cable channels (i.e. won't affect your bandwidth) 
> that our other subscribers can use once they
>    authenticate when they are in range. Would you mind if we did that?"
> ME    "Well, since I currently own my modem, and it's already DOCSIS 3, I 
> don't want to give up any of my existing functionality
>    and I have no desire to start paying rental fees. If you can provide the 
> new one without monthly fees and it will do everything
>    my current one does (e.g. operating in transparent bridge mode), then I 
> don't see any reason why not."
> Scenario B: Class Action?
> CC    ""
> ME    -- Discovers Xfinity WiFi SSID and wonders "WTF is this?"
>    -- Tracks down source of SSID and discovers CC Modem in my garage is doing 
> this.
>    -- Calls Comcast "WTF?"
> CC    "blah blah blah, updated ToS, you agreed, blah blah"
> ME    Starts calling lawyers
> ========
> Unfortunately, it seems to me that Comcast (and apparently other Cable WiFi 
> assn. members) have chosen Scenario B. Very unfortunate, considering how much 
> easier and more productive scenario A could be.
> Owen

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