:Thanks, and I'm kinda stunned that folks are running such ancient
:versions of NTP.

I suggest you get accustomed to being stunned.  

:4.2.0 was EOL'd in June of 2006, and we've fixed about 3,000 issues in
:the codebase since then.

4.2.0 may have been EOL'd in 2006, but it was still shipping as the
default in FreeBSD until 2009. 

Out of those 3000 issues, only a tiny fraction are security-related
that would apply to JunOS.  I expect that they backport security and
other fixes as necessary, until some bigger engineering effort and|or
headache calls for a forklift/mass upgrade of things.

 Michael J. O'Connor                                          m...@dojo.mi.org
"Fire me, boy!"                                             -The Human Bullet

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