I have actually found this NANOG email to be more effective than a chat or
mombook public service. We need something more private like that.

Thank You
Bob Evans

> A friend is not someone that allows their company to hijack your prefixes.
> A friend is one that can get it to stop. Dude - wake up and drink some
> coffee.
> Thank You
> Bob Evans
>> Hi Bob,
>> On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 08:05:45AM -0700, Bob Evans wrote:
>>> This seems like a very good proper civil approach - maybe this or
>>> something like it ARIN might help promote and endorse as a benefit to
>>> the community ? Be nice if with the cash they did something simple
>>> like this and got all of us to use it? Special line forwarding ? A
>>> Emergency Only NOC App for our phones for just this kind of situation
>>> - one that registers a specific ASN and pin code we set on the
>>> registration page ?
>> In this day and age people use IRC or Facebook to quickly get to a
>> friend of a friend of a friend to get to a good contact. Get on with the
>> times :-)
>> Kind regards,
>> Job

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