On Thursday, February 25, 2016, Mike Hammett <na...@ics-il.net> wrote:

> I know. It seems odd, doesn't it?
> They're actually suspending people's accounts for DNS amplification. My
> aunt got a call about it tonight. I had already firewalled that off on her
> router before they called, but they're doing it. There's more that they
> could do I'm sure, but they're doing it. Maybe it's flooding their upstream
> causing other service issues.... but they're doing it.
> So many others aren't doing much at all.
+1 for thank you Comcast and all the folks that file and respond to network
abuse reports.

Comcast is one of the good ones helping the internet thrive  (IPv6,
dnsssec, responding to and shutting down abuse)


> -----
> Mike Hammett
> Intelligent Computing Solutions
> http://www.ics-il.com
> Midwest-IX
> http://www.midwest-ix.com

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