
Could you pick a more problematic venture in telecom? ;-)
I have done a couple of these.
(I just joined the list and have no idea how much you know on the subject)

My clients are wholesale customers of different local LECs (Local Exchange Carrier). These are the guys that own the wire centers in your location (e.g. CenturyLink, Verizon, etc.) I do not know how they work with non-wholesale customers with regards to E911 services.

The specifics of what will be required differ from LEC to LEC and also depend on the PSAP (E911 center) you will connect to. Most people use a consultant to get this done since there will be many technical details related to the circuits and technical meetings with the LEC and PSAP. The LECs and PSAPs are not in the business of building your network... so they typically don't offer much assistance.
(If you have ever submitted an ASR to a LEC, you will know what I mean).

Your first step is to get in touch with your LEC and find out what services they can provide. You could also contact your PSAP and find out their interconnection requirements.
Then you will have some scope on the project.

If you go the wholesale route you really will need someone to guide you through the process. On the other hand, if you are already a wholesale customer of a LEC, experienced with placing ASRs for DS0s, DS1s and multiplexors, then you probably can get this done in-house.


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