On 6/16/16 12:51 AM, Saku Ytti wrote:
> Hey,
> I've been bit poking around trying to find reasonable option for 1GE
> L3 full BGP table aggregator. It seems vendors are mostly pushing
> Satellite/Fusion for this application.
> I don't really like the added complexity and tight coupling
> Satellite/Fusion forces me. I'd prefer standards based routing
> redundancy to reduce impact of defects.
> ASR9001 and MX104 are not an options, due to control-plane scale. New
> boxes in vendor pipeline are completely ignoring 1GE.
> I've casually talked with other people, and it seems I'm not really
> alone here. My dream box would be 96xSFP + 2xQSFP28, with pretty much
> full edge features (BGP, LDP, ISIS, +1M FIB, +5M RIB, per-interface
> VLANs, ipfix or sflow, at least per-port QoS with shaper, martini
> pseudowires).
> With tinfoil hat tightly fit on my head, I wonder why vendors are
> ignoring 1GE? Are business cases entirely driven now by Amazon,
> Google, Facebook and the likes? Are SP volumes so insignificant in
> comparison it does not make sense to produce boxes for them?
> Heck even 10GE is starting to become problematic, if your application
> is anything else than DC, because you can't choose arbitrary optics.

There's not a lot of innovation going on in lower end 1G chipsets. The
natural consequent of that is that you can build a high-end gig switch
or router around a chipset supporting 10Gb/s ports or feeds and speeds
your cogs are naturally going to be rather similar to the 10Gb/s offering.

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