On 28/06/16 00:26, Eric Kuhnke wrote:
> Example:
> 7604S chassis with dual 2700W DC power - chassis and fans use how much
> power?
> 2 x RSP720-3CXL at 310W each
> WS-X6704 with DFC4 - ???W each

Way too much, is the simple answer.

I did have a 7604 (non-S) with the same PSUs, 1x SUP720-3BXL, 1x
WS-X6724-SFP and 1x WS-X6708-3CXL was drawing near 2kW.

It's not healthy, please consider how much you'll spend in electricity
vs. something else. For example, the ASR9001 uses a 5th of the power.

Cisco do also have a power calculator, too. It's conservative but not
overly so:



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