
But they don’t, in fact, allow such a console. And I don’t think such a thing 
is even a good idea on IoT devices, because permitting inbound connections is a 
pathway to exploitation. 

As I noted in my post, I’ve put it on its own VLAN, which is better than a DMZ: 
no inbound access at all, and no access to any other network or devices. I only 
permit port 80 outbound to the Lacrosse cloud server, and will get notified of 
any other traffic.

But this is a wired device, which made it easier to sequester. If it were WiFi 
my task would have been much harder, and most IoT devices do seem to be WiFi.


> On Oct 9, 2016, at 8:33 AM, Stephen Satchell <> wrote:
> On 10/09/2016 07:31 AM, Mel Beckman wrote:
>> remote RF temperature sensor hub for home, the GW-1000U.
>> ...
>> The device accepts TCP connections on 22, 80, and 443.  Theoretically
>> I can't see why it ever needs ongoing inbound connections, so this
>> seems to be a security concession made by the maker. Also, it appears
>> to support SSL, but uses plaintext. Why? Because it's easier to debug
>> in the early deployments, I'll wager. But the thing has been out for
>> years and they're still not using encryption, even though the device
>> apparently has the ability.
> I could see one reason, and one reason only:  to allow the customer to
> use a "control panel" with a local computer, smartphone app, or tablet
> app to set capabilities, options, and preferences.  That said, the
> manufacturer probably thought that the sensor would be shielded from the
> Internet by a Wireless Access Point with NAT, so that there would be no
> direct exposure (in theory) to inbound connections from the outside world.
> For IPv4, this is barely tolerable.  For IPv6, not so much.
> As a developer, I can tell you that "easier to debug in the early
> deployments" means that the later deployments won't be locked down until
> the manufacturer gets a fine, judgement, or other monetary hit.
> Would you put this thing on a DMZ?  I thought not...   :)

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