On 17 Mar 2017, at 2:08 PM, William Herrin <b...@herrin.us> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 1:42 PM, Mark Kosters <ma...@arin.net> wrote:
>> On 3/17/17, 12:26 PM, "NANOG on behalf of William Herrin" <
> nanog-boun...@nanog.org on behalf of b...@herrin.us> wrote:
>>>    Hmm. That sounds like an ARIN-side bug too. ARIN's code responded to
>>>    corrupted data by zeroing out the data instead of using the last
> known good
>> there were no bugs in ARIN’s software in regards to this issue. We
> followed exactly what RIPE told us to do.
> Hi Mark,
> That shot my eyebrow up. You misspoke here, right? There's no bug -solely
> because- you did what the design said to do? The design calls for some
> self-check information and it's not a critical design bug to zero-out the
> publish if the self-check fails?

Bill - 

See previous reply.  The data was both correctly formatted and signed, 
so the agreed integrity checks passed. 


John Curran
President and CEO

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