On May 16, 2017, at 4:40 PM, Avi Freedman <freed...@freedman.net> wrote:

    >On a related topic, I'd love to see NANOGers and general netops and 
    >people go to Flocon (put on by CERT, and heavily but not exclusively SiLK- 
    >Cross-pollination of interests, tools, and techniques will help us all...

As a two-decades-or-so lurker on this list (since back when I was a wee thing 
at ATHY/NYSERNet), I’m going to finally break out of lurk mode to thank Avi for 
his mention of FloCon, and take advantage of this opportunity to tell you all 
about a conference that might be of interest.

For those who aren’t familiar with it, FloCon is an annual conference organized 
by CERT, historically focused on network flow and flow data analysis, and 
particularly its use to support security. (I should note we are *not* 
US-CERT—we’re the CERT Division of the Software Engineering Institute, operated 
by Carnegie Mellon University.)

I said “historically focused on network flow” above because one of the changes 
for 2018 is that we’re expanding the scope of FloCon. This is in response to 
the trend in the types of submissions we’re receiving for the conference, and 
in the types of work we at CERT see our sponsors (and the rest of the world) 
interested in. The new scope for FloCon is data analysis in support of security 
operations—so, all types of data now, not just flow data or network data.

We still anticipate that network data analysis will be a significant part of 
FloCon because of its central place in security operations, but we’re hopeful 
that the expanded scope will allow participants to share new and exciting ways 
of fusing all sorts of data. (Network flow? Pcap? Passive DNS? Building access 
data? Incident report contents? Biometric data? Malware hashes? Bring it, 
whatever it is.)

We tend to get a good mix of security practitioners, tool builders, and 
researchers each year. I would love to see more people from the ops world join 
us, since I think the best advances in the state of the practice will come from 
bringing the brains of all of these groups together.

More information about the conference, including the call for participation, 
can be found here: https://resources.sei.cmu.edu/news-events/events/flocon/

As the chair for FloCon 2018, I’d be happy to take any questions off-list about 
the conference.


Rachel A. Kartch
Software Engineering Institute | CERT
4500 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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