
Unfortunately, with my current situation, we have stopped exporting our 
prefixes with the tier-1 carrier and still use the outbound bandwidth. I highly 
doubt they will implement such a solution, but is something to keep in mind for 
the future.

Thanks for the tip!

Ryan Hamel

From: Job Snijders <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 3:44 AM
To: Ryan Hamel
Subject: Re: Attacks on BGP Routing Ranges


On Wed, 18 Apr 2018 at 11:39, Ryan Hamel 
<<>> wrote:
I wanted to poll everyones thoughts on how to deal with attacks directly on BGP 
peering ranges (/30's, /127's).

I know that sending an RTBH for our side of the upstream routing range does not 
resolve the issue, and it would actually make things worse by blackholing all 
inbound traffic on the carrier I send the null to. What are my options for 
carriers that are not willing to help investigate the situation or write up a 
firewall rule to mitigate it on the circuit? I am not a fan of naming and 
shaming because it has unintended consequences.

Thanks in advance for everyone's suggestions.

Some carriers offer "unreachable linknets", linknets that are carved from 
netblocks that aren't announced in the DFZ or are firewalled off.

If the carrier doesn't want to help, your best course of action may be to 
disconnect the circuit to stop the attack traffic.

Kind regards,


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