QSFPs generally output 4 lanes of traffic. Either 4 channels at 10G or 4 channels at 25G. So unless you find an optic that can do single-channel OTN at 100G, you’re probably going to have a hard time plugging them into a DWDM shelf.

at 12:27 PM, Lewis,Mitchell T. <ml-na...@techcompute.net> wrote:

Does anyone know if any Single Mode QSFPs exist on the market that use wavelengths other than 1310nm (either self tunable or factory tuned)? I am looking to put more than one 40gb link on a fiber pair similar to using DWDM OADMs for 1g & 10g but can't seem to find any qsfp optics that don't use 1310nm.



Mitchell T. Lewis

[ mailto:mle...@techcompute.net | mle...@techcompute.net ]

[ http://linkedin.com/in/mlewiscc ] |203-816-0371

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