On Sun, Dec 2, 2018 at 4:06 PM Brandon Wade via NANOG <nanog@nanog.org>

> We've been a GTT customer for several years and on our latest bill we now
> have a "Regulatory Recovery Surcharge" of almost 10% tacked on. We only
> purchase IP Transit services from them, nothing else, and have never had
> any fees tacked on top of our contracted agreed upon amount. Has anyone
> else ran into this? If this is a legit "surcharge" any idea of why we were
> never charged for that before? I figured I'd reach out to the community on
> this prior to jumping to further conclusions.
> -Brandon

Yupp, on my GTT IP transit bill as well.

This is how telecomm companies pad out their margins these days.  You don't
even want to know the % of my bill that is just "fees" I'm paying Level3 on
a wave circuit.  At this point I won't sign for service without knowing
exactly what I'll be paying in terms of fees and surcharges and such -
there's some stuff you can't avoid on some types of circuits, but for the
most part, it's all just padding out their margins.

Take care,

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