Scott Hernandez wrote:

> What I'm suggesting is if no default target is defined, and no target is
> supplied as a command line arg, then the projecthelp should be
> displayed.

Ahhh. I misunderstood. Yeah, that's cool w/ me.

>> Descriptions are already available, via the "description" attribute on
>> tasks. To get a list of valid targets and their descriptions, type
>> "nant -projecthelp". For example:

> umm.... actually.... Neither Task, nor Target, define a "description"
> attribute.

Sorry, I meant to say target. Not an attribute in the "used during the
build" sense, but an XML attribute in the generic XML sense of the word.

> Instead there is a xslt file(xslt/projecthelp.xslt) defined to generate
> the help you are talking about. In the xslt file there is xpath query
> that digs up the description from targets and displays it. This xslt
> doesn't use the classes at all :(

Why is that worth a frown? What's wrong with using XSL-T for that?


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