I found something interesting today.

I'm using a master build file that calls tasks in other build files using
the nant task.  In my master build file I have a nant.onsuccess and
nant.onfailure property set to execute after the main build file has either
succeeded or failed.  When I call the child build files using the nant task
it tries to execute the nant.onsuccess target because it has inherited the
properties from the master build file but in the child files I don't have a
success target defined.  To keep this from failing I have to put in empty
targets in the child build files.  Does this make sense or is this
something that should behave differently.  Here is an example to show the

Example files:


<project name="master" default="main">

<property name="hello.world" value="Hello World" />
<property name="nant.onsuccess" value="successtarget" />

<target name="main">
<nant buildfile="U:\Spikes\build\a.build" target="one" failonerror="true"
verbose="true" />
<nant buildfile="U:\Spikes\build\b.build" target="one" failonerror="true"
verbose="true" />
<nant buildfile="U:\Spikes\build\a.build" target="two" failonerror="true"
verbose="true" />
<nant buildfile="U:\Spikes\build\b.build" target="two" failonerror="true"
verbose="true" />
<nant buildfile="U:\Spikes\build\a.build" target="three" failonerror="true"
verbose="true" />
<nant buildfile="U:\Spikes\build\b.build" target="three" failonerror="true"
verbose="true" />
<nant buildfile="U:\Spikes\build\a.build" target="four" failonerror="true"
verbose="true" />
<nant buildfile="U:\Spikes\build\b.build" target="four" failonerror="true"
verbose="true" />

<target name="successtarget">
     <echo message="Success!" />



<project default="one" name="a">

<target name="one"><echo message="a.one"/></target>
<target name="two"><echo message="a.two"/></target>
<target name="three"><echo message="a.three"/></target>
<target name="four"><echo message="a.four"/></target>



<project default="one" name="b">

<target name="one"><echo message="b.one"/></target>
<target name="two"><echo message="b.two"/></target>
<target name="three"><echo message="b.three"/></target>
<target name="four"><echo message="b.four"/></target>



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