Hi All,

This seems like this should be a FAQ, but I couldn't find it anywhere in
the archives. It also seems like it might have been better on the user list
(and if so I will transfer the conversation there) but I figured I would
post it here, because it looks like I might have some coding to do...

Can NAnt produce an XML version of the build log?

I looked around and found the ConsoleLogger and in NAntContrib there is a
file logger but both of these simply write the log information verbatim.

I have this sinking feeling that this is going to in fact be very difficult
as each task/target formats their log messages individually so that targets
have their name prefixed with a : and targets are wrapped like this [task]
at the point of log message creation (well the brackets are added in the
LogPrefix property).

If I am not missing something easier, upon reviewing of the code, I don't
see any easy way to get XML output but here are the ways I see -- all of
which would mean quite a bit of code changing:

1) Change the logging so that it produces unformatted text, and then a
formatter that produces the console style (or xml) output ( a lot of work)
2) Implement a logging system like Ant's that has log events, and allow the
logger to handle those events as makes sense (even more work)
3) pattern match the target: name based on the : and the task name based on
the [ ]  wrapper and just emit xml from an XmlLogger -- Hard to determine
where elements end, and even harder to know whether : and [ ] are not false
positives in the output (plus this says nothing about informational
messages) and really kludgey to boot.

OK, so am I missing something? Am I SOL? Or what?

Thanks all,


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