Looks good to me. I'll commit this code later today.

There have been logging discussions already; but that was almost 6 months
ago, so bring it on :). I'm all for a revamp, esp. re-using work already
done by log4net or some other existing system.


----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Deacon
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 8:04 AM
Subject: [nant-dev] Humbly submitted for your echoing pleasure. :)

This allows the following:

<echo message="Hello" />
This is some stuff.
This is some more stuff that I want echoed on another line.
<echo message="ValidationException">
This triggers a ValidationException because it has both inline content and
the message attribute.
<echo/> <!-This causes a blank message to be echoed just because I thought
it was silly to not allow someone to do so if they really want to. -->

And I think I got the curly braces and non-tabs right this time.  J

Also, the use of ValidationException was my best guess as to the appropriate
exception class to use.  Please someone inform me if this was a bad call on
my part.

Any questions, critiques, suggestions, or "hey go and change this before we
include it" are of course welcome.

Brian Deacon

p.s. - For my next trick, I saw that revamping the logging infrastructure
was on the todo list.  Is anybody already on this?  I was gonna add support
for a LogLevel enum, including -quiet, -debug, as well as -verbose that we
have now.  Any thoughts?  Am I walking into an already-discussed consensus
on how this ought to work?

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