Sounds good. I'm sure whatever you think is needed will help.

Right now the "Task References" are created by NDoc via the userdoc target.
It generates a html page for each task and an index page for them all. These
docs are generated by the xml code comments, but can be
supplemented/replaced by external xml files. NDoc has a lot of options for
this. I'd like to see if we can combine the other docs into this format.
That way we can use one tool to generate/format all our help, and the

In other projects I've worked with we have used all the documentation to
generate the help system, faqs and website. I'd like to see a single
document source that can be combined into all of these.

Does this clarify anything?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeffrey McManus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Scott Hernandez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 8:37 PM
Subject: Re: [nant-dev] documentation error

> I'm happy to contribute as much as I can to docs; I've
> synched everything up with CVS and I'll start looking
> at them tonight. With your permission, one of things
> I'd like to start thinking about is a short
> introductory blurb/doc that introduces the concept of
> a build tool at a high level for experienced
> developers who have never used a build tool (a profile
> that will apply to many Microsoft tools developers, I
> suspect).
> With respect to XMLification of the docs, I've done
> this a few times before, and it has consistently
> taught me one thing -- frequently, the amount of time
> that developers spend managing the XML (fidding with
> tags, getting the elements correct, etc.) exceeds the
> benefits. I say this as a huge XML proponent who uses
> XML on a near-daily basis. But generally for
> documentation my watchword is "make it as easy for
> people to contribute as possible." Whether it's in
> HTML, XML, or on the back of a cocktail napkin,
> getting good information is more important than what
> format it's in.
> Looking at your source, it looks like you're using
> inline XML comments already, which is great. I wonder
> if it would be OK, at least for now, if we just keep
> the HTML documentation in HTML and transform the
> inline XML comments into HTML/PDF/CHM/whatever, using
> the inline code comments emitted by the compiler? Does
> this sound insane? To me, this seems like it would be
> much less work -- at the end of the day if you want to
> (for example) convert HTML pages to PDF you could
> easily do so without bothering with an intervening XML
> step.
> One question -- what's the status of the tasks page
> (\nant\doc\help\tasks\index.html)? It's a dead link in
> the source I just checked out; is it going to be
> autogenned from the source at some point? Should we
> maybe stick a placeholder page in there until the real
> page is ready?
> Jeffrey
> --- Scott Hernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Jeffrey,
> >
> > It looks like this has been fixed in cvs. There is
> > no "help/documenter"
> > person, but if you would like to help out, there is
> > plenty to do :) And we
> > would really appreciate it.
> >
> > The number one thing on my list is to convert the
> > docs here
> > (;
> > excluding the task ref) into
> > xml so we can more easily work with it. Then maybe
> > we can generate more
> > formats of help (like a chm or pdf). Currently these
> > documents exist in a
> > proprietary format (fogdesk, I think) and are pretty
> > hard to do anything
> > with but generate html from.
> >
> > If you need any more explanation, I can help out, or
> > someone on the list
> > will be able to fill in the details.
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