Okee... so I'm fiddling with NAnt on Redhat Linux 8.0, with the 0.21 rpm
of mono.  (Haven't yet upgraded to the 0.22 that came out this week.)

My not-so-impressive findings (I think mostly repeated from an e-mail
that may or may not have escaped my outbox):

Remove ScriptTask.cs from NAnt.core, and the following works (in that it
mcs -g -out:./nant/bin/NAnt.Core.dll -recurse:./nant/src/NAnt.Core/*.cs
/t:library /r:System.Web 

and then:
mcs -g -out:./nant/bin/NAnt.exe -recurse:./nant/src/NAnt.Console/*.cs

Put these two brand-spanking-new files into the same directory and the
following gives me a warm-fuzzy:
mono NAnt.exe -help

Okay, then.  How 'bout:
mono NAnt.exe

Could not find a '*.build' file in
Try 'nant -help' for more informatio

This is good, because there are no build files (I renamed the
Simple.build that was in the directory).  Make a SimpleMono.build like

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="Simple" default="build">
    <target name="build" description="compiles the source code">
        <echo message="Testes, one, two." />

And I get 7 of these:
** (NAnt.exe:14094): WARNING **: Failed to load library
libkernel32.dll.so (kernel32.dll): libkernel32.dll.so: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

This is true.  There is no libkernel32.dll.so or anything
libkernel32-ish on the box.  That's where I'm lost.

I also get:
settings file /home/brian/cvsroot/nant/examples/Simple/NAnt.settings not
I say "duh" and I go grab the NAnt.settings file and stick it in my
directory, fiddle a while and realize I need to change the
defaultframework to "mono" and probably the paths in that frameworkinfo
element to /usr/bin.  (I note that regvalue="sdkInstallRoot" probably is
going to bite me.)

Which upgrades me to where I'm at now:
Still 7 identical complaints about libkernel32.dll.so and
Error loading settings file
/home/brian/cvsroot/nant/examples/Simple/NAnt.settings.A null value was
found where an object instance was required

You're still reading this far?  :)

I'm guessing that the new and improved mono debugger can help me here,
but if anybody with some mono-xpertise sees me doing something foolish,
I'd surely appreciate a point in the right direction.

Once I have something more than "Mono NAnt: The Diary of a Linux Idiot"
I'll post something on the wiki for those that come after me... But I'd
obviously love it if someone beat me to the punch and put some pointers
up there (debugging in Linux, what in the NAnt code base needs to be
gimped, etc.)


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