The second release candidate for NAnt 0.8.2 is now available (0.8.2-rc2):

Documentation is available at:

Give it a shot and send any bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED] If no major bugs are found in the next few days, a full release will follow.
Here are the release notes:

0.8.2-rc2 April 12, 2003

   * Fix for NUnit2 task using fileset.
   * Fix for fileset's <includeList> element.

0.8.2-rc1 April 12, 2003

* Logging cleanups: moved to log4net.
* FxCop cleanups for correctness.
* Support for multiple versions of .NET framework.
* Changes to make NAnt more mono-friendly.
* Updated SharpZipLib library.
* Makes error reporting more accurate - gives line numbers for property expansion errors
* Multiple test assembly support for NUnit2 task.
* General speed-up for directory/file scanning.
* Resgen file generation correctness fixes.
* Added support multiple delimiters and string trimming to LoopTask's file line mode.
* More support for CSC/VBC command-line options.

Matthew Mastracci

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