
I just want to summarize what you have said so we can figure out where
things stand a bit better.

The unit tests for the cvs task are failing on the nant build server.
This is a build server that is seperate from the one I set up.  The
failures have been occurring in the nightly builds since 06/21/2003.

I know that since that date I have not had longer than an hour downtime
(2 reboots) on the cvs server, so I would say with about 90% confidence
that this is not the problem.

You mentioned that you have not had many problems with the tests.  I am
making the assumption that this means that they are working on your
machine now.  Can you confirm this?

I confirmed on my own machine that the tests were working this morning,
however I did NOT test from the nant build script because I found
additional issues with the build (filed as bugs via, included
command line debug info).

I do not know anything about the build server results you are comparing
against (just found out there was another server going today (-:), or
how the sources are updated.  I know the cc-net server I am running at
home has been getting a lot of EOF commands from the server so my
first check would be to see if the sources have been updated since

I would not like to change the build to account for this problem.  There
is something wrong and I would rather figure out where the problem is
and fix it With any luck we can add some unit tests/ self-tests to make
sure we catch it next time :-).

So having said all that, could you send me the url of these build
reports?  Also do we have log files on the integration runs?  Can we
confirm when the sources were last updated on the server?  Is it
possible to do a test from this server that is seperate from the nightly
build?  Anything would help.  



-----Original Message-----
From:   Gert Driesen
Sent:   Tue 7/8/2003 11:14 AM
To:     Clayton Harbour
Cc:     Nant-Developers (E-Mail)
Subject:        Re: CvsTask unit tests
I'm talking about the fact that we haven't been able to generate a
build since 06/21, most of the time it's caused by the testers for the
tasks ...

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the tasks or #cvslib, the cvs
server that you use for the tests is probable not always available ...

To be honest I have very little problems with the cvs tasks testers on
local system myself, so I don't really know what's causing the nightly
builds .. And the output in the build log of the nightly builds doesn't
either ...

About the issues you encoutered when building NAnt from the commandline:
haven't had any issues with any of these... You can create bug reports
thes e ofcours.  Be sure to mention as much information as you can : eg.
NAnt version, OS, .NET framework and possible also a stacktrace for
issue 3.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Clayton Harbour" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gert Driesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Nant-Developers (E-Mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 4:10 PM
Subject: RE: CvsTask unit tests

Hi Gert,

I am not sure what you mean.  I did some work about 2 weeks ago to get
these running, which involved pointing the tasks at a different cvs
server, rather than the server.  The reason behind that change is
the server seemed to be a little sporadic, with the cvsnt binary,
the cygwin binary as well as #cvslib.

Just to confirm, I ran the unit tests this morning (SourceControl task
tests) using the nunit gui and got the coveted green bar.  I have not
run the tests outside of my lan, so maybe this is what you mean?  If
they are failing here I would appreciate a stack trace of where they are
failing and I am pretty sure I can patch them up which would be the way
I would prefer to fix the problem.

I did note the following problems during the nant build that prevented
me from testing the sc tasks through the command line/ build script
1) Missing comments on NUnit1 tasks
2) Missing comments on VSNet.Tasks
3) Internal error during the tests (below)

Gert, is this what you are seeing too, or are you referring to something

Ian - Would you like me to add these 3 issues to the bug report?
I know awhile back you mentioned tracking build errors here.




[Tasks.ExternalProgramBase:     [exec] Starting
'E:\dev\tools\nant\nant/build/nant-0.8.4-debug/bin/NAnt.exe ( -buildfile debug self-test -D:project.version=0.8.4 -k:net-1.0)' in
'E:\dev\tools\nant\nant'  - [] <>]
[Tasks.ExternalProgramBase:NAnt version 0.8.4 Copyright (C) 2001-2003
Gerry Shaw  - [] <>]
            NAnt version 0.8.4 Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Gerry Shaw
[Tasks.ExternalProgramBase:  - [] <>]
[Tasks.ExternalProgramBase:  - [] <>]

[Tasks.ExternalProgramBase:INTERNAL ERROR  - [] <>]
            INTERNAL ERROR
[Tasks.ExternalProgramBase:Object reference not set to an instance of an
object.  - [] <>]
            Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
[Tasks.ExternalProgramBase:  - [] <>]

[Tasks.ExternalProgramBase:For more information regarding the cause of
the build failure, enable log4net using the instr
uctions in NAnt.exe.config and run the build again.  - [] <>]
            For more information regarding the cause of the build
failure, enable log4net using the instructions in NAnt
.exe.config and run the build again.
[Tasks.ExternalProgramBase:  - [] <>]

[Tasks.ExternalProgramBase:Please send bug report to
            Please send bug report to
[NAnt.Task:exec Generated Exception  - [] <>]
Exception: SourceForge.NAnt.BuildException
Message: E:\dev\tools\nant\nant\,10):
 External Program Failed:
E:\dev\tools\nant\nant/build/nant-0.8.4-debug/bin/NAnt.exe (return code
was 2)
Source: NAnt.Core
   at SourceForge.NAnt.Tasks.ExternalProgramBase.ExecuteTask()
   at SourceForge.NAnt.Tasks.ExecTask.ExecuteTask()
   at SourceForge.NAnt.Task.Execute()


-----Original Message-----
From: Gert Driesen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: July 8, 2003 12:11 AM
To: Clayton Harbour
Cc: Nant-Developers (E-Mail)
Subject: CvsTask unit tests


Can you look into the issues with the unit tests for the cvs tasks ?

We've been having lots of problems with these unit tests, should we
set the HaltOnError to false for now for these tests ?  That we can at
get the nightly build up and running again ...



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