MSBuild is obviously a child of Embrace & Extend philosophy; being built-in
in the next version of the framework will do wonders in terms of promoting
the process of automated builds, which are critical to quality in our line
of work. That is a good thing. Nant is already doing it. And that is even
better thing.

This tool won't be in place for another year or so, and we have builds to
run every night. And even when it comes, it won't do too much for our
projects running on 1.0/1.1 framework. We've recently set up a new build
environment based on nant and are building 5 large projects with it (one of
the projects is a fairly complex consumer app with some 12 variants), and
I'm quite happy with it.

My point is that we shouldn't spend too much time on discussing MSBuild now
-- it's too early. Rather, let's try to make Nant work really, really good
right now. It's already useful in this form, and with the great effort that
the guys working on it are putting in, I'm confident nant will be successful
for a long time, even in the longhorn era.

I'd like to see this discussion steer towards defining more focused process
to bring version 1.0 out. What are the next steps, how can we contribute in
terms of testing, building a library of build scripts, documentation, making
the cvs tree being up to date, etc. 

Gerry & co., please keep up the good work.


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