Hi Again, I have the <solution/> task working on my Linux box. If anyone wants to try it you can checkout using: cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/nant co -d NAnt-SolutionPatchesBranch -r SolutionPatchesBranch

It doesn't quite compile the NAnt.sln file, the issues I came across are:
- NAnt.MSNet: on mono the System.SystemProcess.dll does not contain a SystemController class
      --> remove the ServiceControllerTask.cs
- NAnt.Compression: mono is using an older version of ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib that does not support Tar.Headers
      --> remove the TarTask.cs

Also it looks like only c# projects are supported on mono. I have changes in that I think should work for vb and vj# but since these are supported I could only really confirm that they still worked on Windows.



Clayton Harbour wrote:

Hi, I have created a branch for work on the SolutionTask port to *nix on mono. I have made a first hack at it and have it compiling and running on my Linux box (Fedora Core, mono svn). It builds, runs and resolves the project files from the NAnt solution on my Linux box which is a pretty modest start but I think it is a good point to get more hackers involved :-). So if anyone is interested the branch tag is SolutionPatchesBranch (use cvs -r [branchName] -d [destDirectoryName]). I have created a target called NantSln in the NAnt.build in this branch that uses the Nant.sln file. Just a heads up I have made a first cut at using the <csc/>, <vbc/>, etc. tasks but the csc.exe is still being used to compile so there are still some issues here. If you have any questions just drop me a line, cc the list.



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