Hello all,


I have a solution with two nested web projects. Let it be ProjectA and ProjectB. ProjectA has a virtual folder, ProjectB is a subproject of ProjectA and has virtual directory in ProjectA virtual directory. Also, ProjectA is C# project and ProjectB is VBNet project.


When I try to build my solution by following nant build file:


            <target name="build" >

                        <delete failonerror="false">


                                               <include name="ProjectA\bin\*.dll" />

                                               <include name="ProjectBA\ProjectB\bin\*.dll" />




                        <solution solutionfile="MySolution.sln" configuration="release" failonerror="true" >


                                               <map path="ProjectA\ProjectA.csproj" url="" />

                                               <map path="ProjectA\ProjectB\ProjectB.vbproj" url="" />





My solution was built by in the console I see:


 [delete] Deleting 10 files.

 [solution] Starting solution build.

 [solution] Building 'System.Web' [Release] ...

 [solution] Building 'Core' [Release] ...

 [solution] Building 'Components' [Release] ...

 [solution] Building 'CoreTests' [Release] ...

 [solution] Skipping 'ProjectB' [Release] ...

 [solution] Building 'ProjectA' [Release] ...




What is wrong in my build script? Or should I add some one else into target?

Any advices are welcome.





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