No idea, nor does the documentation say. My understanding is that the
exclude would take precendence over the include. But, it may go by which
is a closer match.


It is easy enough to test. Let us know how it works.






From: Parrish, Ken [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 4:40 PM
Subject: [NAnt-users] Filesets - include / exclude


Question about how <fileset> and <patternset> are interpreted.


How does Nant reconcile potentially conflicting <include> and <exclude>


During a copy operation, I would like to exclude all text (.txt) files
except those explicitly listed.  How might I do this?  Let's say, I want
to exclude all *.txt files EXCEPT a particular text file.  Is this the
right syntax? 


How will the following example be interpreted by Nant?


           <fileset basedir="${sourceBinDir}">
                 <include name="messagefile.txt" />
                 <exclude name="*.txt" />


What if the order of <include> and <exclude> are interchanged?  The
documentation doesn't make this very clear.


Anyone have any experience with this or similar situations?




Ken Parrish

Gomez, Inc.





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