> Bob Archer napsal(a):
> >> Hi all,
> >> I have another problem.
> >> I have nant build script which uses subwcrev, which take revision,
> last
> >> date change and so from svn and use this for replace some strings in
> >> file.
> >> I use this way.
> >> I have source file named rev.source like this :
> >> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> >> <project xmlns="http://nant.sf.net/release/0.85/nant.xsd";
> >> default="SetProp" name="MarkGetProp" >
> >>   <target name="SetProp">
> >>     <property name="revisionXSLTemplates" value="$WCREV$" />
> >>     <property name="revisionXSLTemplatesDate"
> >> value="$WCDATE=%Y%m%d%H%M$" />
> >>     <property name="revisionXSLTemplatesDateString" value="$WCDATE$"
> />
> >>   </target>
> >> </project>
> >> Nant build use subwcrev on that file:
> >> <exec program="${subwcrev}" commandline="${SourceCodeDir} rev.source
> >> rev.build" />
> >> So now I have build file which looks like :
> >> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> >> <project xmlns="http://nant.sf.net/release/0.85/nant.xsd";
> >> default="SetProp" name="MarkGetProp" >
> >>   <target name="SetProp">
> >>     <property name="revision" value="35172" />
> >>     <property name="revisionDate" value="200908271759" />
> >>     <property name="revDateString" value="2009/08/27 17:59:32" />
> >>   </target>
> >> </project>
> >> I cannot include that file in my build beacause on build script
> statrs
> >> file rev.build does not exists yet.
> >> So I try to use
> >> <nant buildfile="rev.build" />
> >> in my build task, but there is a problem, nant will ends with this
> >> error:
> >> Property 'revisionDate' has not been set.
> >>
> >> Can you help me with that?
> >>
> >> A.
> >>
> >
> > Are you sure you have the namespace specified in all the build files?
> >
> > BOb
> Yes I have
> xmlns="http://nant.sf.net/release/0.85/nant.xsd";
> in all files, but the projcet name is not same, anyway if I set same
> name of project id works same.
> I saw on Inet some sort of problems with namespaces in 0.86, but I have
> it in all files and It is same.
> May be the problem is that after nant task (<nant buildfile="rev.build"
> />) is that file unloaded,as you wrote before, but I cannot know how to
> make it another way.


So, let me walk through what I would do and you tell me what you are doing 
different. I am not quite understanding what you are saying...

In your build file say main.build you have the following code:

<exec program="${subwcrev}" commandline="${SourceCodeDir} rev.source rev.build" 

Then you should do:

<include buildfile="rev.build" />

>From that point on the three properties set in the rev.build file will be 
>available to main.build.


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