I have implemented a custom script task for NAnt which makes progress 
reporting back to CCNet much easier.  Progress reporting is accomplished 
by inserting XML into a file which is read by CCNet to display progress 
information.  See 
for official details.

I am attaching the script for anyone to use.  What I do is:

1) save the contents of the script below in a file named CCNet-progress.xml
2) include the new file in any NAnt script which will want to utilize it 

    <include buildfile="CCnet-progress.xml"/>

3) call the progress reporter when you want to update the progress of 
your task, like this:

    <CCnet-progress message="Beginning the web site clean-up" 

and that's it.  I usually do a little more, like set a true/false 
variable like this:

    <property name="progress.logging" value="false"/>
    <property name="progress.logging" value="true" 

and then my actual progress logging calls look like:

    <CCnet-progress message="Beginning the web site clean-up" 
file="${CCNetListenerFile}" if="${progress.logging}"/>

This allows my NAnt scripts to continue working when I am using them 
outside of CCNet.

Here's the file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project name="CCNet-extensions">
    <script language="C#">
            <include name="System.Xml.dll"/>
            <import namespace="System.Xml"/>
            public class TestTask : Task
                #region Private Instance Fields
                private string _message;
                private string _file;
                #endregion Private Instance Fields
                #region Public Instance Properties
                [TaskAttribute("message", Required=true)]
                public string Message
                    get { return _message; }
                    set { _message = value; }
                [TaskAttribute("file", Required=true)]
                public string FileName
                    get { return _file; }
                    set { _file = value; }
                #endregion Public Instance Properties
                #region Override implementation of Task
                protected override void ExecuteTask()
                    XmlDocument progressXML = new XmlDocument();
                    if (File.Exists(_file))
                        progressXML.Load (_file);
                        XmlElement newDE = 
                        progressXML.AppendChild (newDE);
                    XmlElement newNode = progressXML.CreateElement ("Item");
                    newNode.SetAttribute ("Time", DateTime.Now.ToString ());
                    newNode.SetAttribute ("Data", _message);
                    progressXML.DocumentElement.AppendChild (newNode);
                    progressXML.Save (_file);
                #endregion Override implementation of Task

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