Hi guys,


I'm trying to run a bat file that displays a menu and accepts user input from 
the commandline as input. To clarify, here is an excerpt of the bat file:


@echo off
@echo =================================================
@echo This is an Oracle Forms Compilation facility
@echo =================================================



@echo off
@echo Please enter Schema owner account and
set /p schemaowner=press return key, or QUIT to end: 
if /i [%schemaowner%]==[QUIT] endlocal&goto end
@echo =================================================
@echo Schema owner account entered was: '%schemaowner%'
@echo =================================================
if [%schemaowner%]==[] goto WrongAccount



In my nant build file I have the following target code:


<target name="menu" description="display build menu">

<!-- password.bat is in the project basedir -->

<exec program="password.bat"> 



However, when I run the build file I get the following output:



     [exec] ♀♀=====================================
     [exec] This is an Oracle Forms Compilation Facility
     [exec] =======================================
     [exec] Please enter Schema owner account and


The execution of the bat file stops/freezes and cmd.exe will not accept any 
input and I have to Ctrl+C to return to the command prompt. How do I get nant 
to correctly execute the bat file? Thanks in advance!
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