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US Nuclear Tests in the Marshall Islands
by Tony de Brum; May 19, 2005

It is an honor for me to be able to speak to you today on behalf of indigenous 
people throughout the world whose lives have been dramatically affected by the 
proliferation of weapons. I bring you the greetings of the people of the 
Marshall Islands, and more specifically the paramount leaders of the Ralik 
chain, Iroijlaplap Imata Kabua, and Iroijlaplap Anjua Loeak, whose domains have 
borne the brunt of United States military weapons development -- from the 
nuclear bombs of the Cold War to the missiles that carry them today.


I lived on the island of Likiep in the northern Marshalls for the entire 12 
years of the US atomic and thermonuclear testing program in my country. I 
witnessed most of the detonations, and was just 9-years old when I experienced 
the most horrific of these explosions, the infamous BRAVO shot that terrorized 
our community and traumatized our society to an extent that few people in the 
world can imagine.


While BRAVO was by far the most dramatic test, all 67 of the shots detonated in 
the Marshall Islands contributed one way or another to the nuclear legacy that 
haunts us to this day. As one of our legal advisors has described it, if one 
were to take the total yield of the nuclear weapons tested in the Marshall 
Islands and spread them out over time, we would have the equivalent of 1.6 
Hiroshima shots, every day for twelve years.


But the Marshall Islands' encounter with the bomb did not end with the 
detonations themselves. In recent years, documents released by the United 
States government have uncovered even more horrific aspects of the Marshallese 
burden borne in the name of international peace and security. US government 
documents clearly demonstrate that its scientists conducted human radiation 
experiments with Marshallese citizens. Some of our people were injected with or 
coerced to drink fluids laced with radiation. Other experimentation involved 
the purposeful and premature resettlement of people on islands highly 
contaminated by the weapons tests to study how human beings absorb radiation 
from their foods and environment. Much of this human experimentation occurred 
in populations either exposed to near lethal amounts of radiation, or to 
"control" populations who were told they would receive medical "care" for 
participating in these studies to help their fellow citizens. At the conclusion 
of all these studies, the United States still maintained that no positive 
linkage can be established between the tests and the health status of the 
Marshallese. Just in the past few weeks, a new US government study has 
predicted higher than 50% higher than expected incidence of cancer in the 
Marshall Islands resulting from the atomic tests.


Although the testing of the atomic and thermonuclear weapons ended 48 years 
ago, we still have entire populations living in social disarray. The people of 
Rongelap Atoll, the inhabited island closest to the ground zero locations, 
remain in exile in their own country. I might also add that although the people 
of Rongelap were evacuated by the US government for earlier smaller weapons 
tests, the US government purposefully decided not to evacuate them prior to the 
detonation of the BRAVO event -- a thermonuclear weapon designed to be the 
largest device ever detonated by the United States. The people of Rongelap were 
known to be in harms way but were not warned about BRAVO in advance and had no 
ability or knowledge of how to protect themselves or reduce their exposure.


Throughout the years, America's nuclear history in the Marshall Islands has 
been colored with official denial, self-serving control of information, and 
abrogation of commitment to redress the shameful wrongs done to the Marshallese 
people. The scientists and military officials involved in the testing program 
picked and chose their study subjects, recognized certain communities as 
exposed when it served their interests, and denied monitoring and medical 
attention to subgroups within the Marshall Islands. I remember well their 
visits to my village in Likiep where they subjected every one of us to tests 
and invasive physical examinations which, as late as 1978, they denied ever 
carrying out. In later years when I was a public servant for the RMI I raised 
the issue requesting that raw data gathered during these visits be made 
available to us. United States representatives responded by saying that our 
recollections were juvenile and did not consider the public health missions of 
the time.


For decades, the US government has utilized slick mathematical and statistical 
representations to dismiss the occurrence of exotic anomalies, including 
malformed fetuses, and abnormal appearances of diseases in so called "unexposed 
areas," as coincidental and not attributable to radiation exposure. We have 
been told repeatedly, for example, that our birthing anomalies are the result 
of incest or a gene pool that is too small -- anything but the radiation. These 
explanations are offensive, and obviously wrong since these abnormalities 
certainly did not occur before we became the proving ground for US nuclear 
weapons. Selective referral of Marshallese patients to different military 
hospitals in the United States and its territories also made it easier for the 
US government to dismiss linkages between medical problems and radiation 
exposure. The several unexplained fires that led to the destruction of numerous 
records and medical charts for the patients with the most acute radiation 
illnesses further underscores this point. In spite of all these studies and 
findings, we were told that positive linkage was still impossible because of 
what they called "statistical insignificance."


I have been a student of the horrific impacts of the nuclear weapons testing 
program for most of my life. I served as interpreter for American officials who 
proclaimed Bikini safe for resettlement and commenced a program to repatriate 
the Bikini people who for decades barely survived on the secluded island of 
Kili. I accompanied the American High Commissioner of the Trust Territory just 
a few years later to once again remove the repatriated residents from Bikini 
because their exposure had become too high for the US government's comfort. I 
was also personally involved in the translation of the Enewetak Environmental 
Impact Statement that declared Enewetak safe for resettlement. I voiced my 
doubts in a television interview at the time by describing the US public 
relations efforts associated with the Enewetak clean-up as a dog-and-pony show. 
Later, during negotiations to end the trust territory arrangement with the 
United States, we discovered that certain scientific information regarding 
Enewetak was being withheld from us because, as the official US government 
memorandum stated, "the Marshallese negotiators might make overreaching 
demands" on the United States if the facts about the extent of damage in the 
islands were known to us.


The outcome of our negotiations was the end of the United Nations Trusteeship 
and a treaty, which, among other things, provided for the ongoing 
responsibilities of our former trustee for the communities impacted by the 
nuclear weapons tests. This assistance provided by the US government for 
radiation damages and injuries is based on a US government study that purports 
to be the best and most accurate knowledge about the effects of radiation in 
the Marshall Islands. Our agreement to terminate our United Nations trusteeship 
that the US government administered was based largely on those assurances. We 
have since discovered that even that covenant by the United States was false. 
Today, not only is the US government backpedaling on this issue but its 
official position as enunciated by the current administration is to flee its 
responsibilities to the Marshall Islands for the severe nuclear damages and 
injuries perpetrated upon them.


After spending decades of my life trying to persuade the US government to take 
responsibility for the full range of damages and injuries caused by the testing 
of 67 atmospheric atomic and thermonuclear weapons in the Marshall Islands, a 
new global arms system arrived at the door of the Marshall Islands. After years 
of ICBM testing, the Marshall Islands now has the dubious distinction of 
hosting the US government's missile shield testing program. The US government 
shoots Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) at the Marshall Islands. 
From an area leased by the US Army on Kwajalein Atoll, the Ronald Reagan 
Missile Defense Test Site, the US launches interceptor missiles at the incoming 
ICBMs to test the ability of these interceptors to track and destroy incoming 
missiles. These tests impact every aspect of our lives... from the local people 
who are relocated from their homes, to the whales, sea turtles, and birds that 
have lived in harmony with human beings in our region of the world for 


As history repeats itself in the Marshall Islands, the people of Kwajalein have 
been removed from their homelands, crowded into unbearable living squalor on a 
56-acre island with 18,000 residents called Ebeye. This is the equivalent of 
taking everyone here in Manhattan and forcing them to live on the ground floor 
-- can you imagine the density of Manhattan if there were no skyscrapers? The 
US Army base depends on Ebeye for housing its indigenous labor force, but the 
US Army has also erected impenetrable boundaries keeping the Marshallese at 
arm's length; Marshallese on the island adjacent to the US base are unable to 
use the world-class hospital in emergencies, to fill water bottles during times 
of drought, or to purchase basic food supplies when cargo ships are delayed. 
One does not have to be a rocket scientist to suspect that the lands, lagoon, 
and surrounding seas of Kwajalein, are being damaged from depleted uranium and 
other substances. Unfortunately, our efforts to seek a clear understanding of 
the consequences of the missile testing program -- data we need to make 
informed decisions regarding our future or the prerequisite rehabilitation of 
our lands before repatriation -- have been spurned by the United States 
government. Perchlorate additives in the missiles fired from Kwajalein have 
been detected in the soil and the water lenses but to date no real data has 
become available for meaningful, independent study. The lands leased by the 
United States military are compensated far below market. Efforts by the 
Kwajalein leadership to deal with the realities which face them when the 
current agreement expires in 2016 have been largely ignored as the US openly 
and callously discusses the uses of our lands beyond 2016 and into 2086...all 
without our consent. Our Constitution specifically prohibits the taking of land 
without consent or proper compensation.


We call upon the international community to extend its hands to assist the 
people of the Marshall Islands to extricate themselves from the legacy of the 
nuclear age and the burden of providing testing grounds for weapons of mass 
destruction. In the countries that produce these weapons we have come together 
to protest, if a person's land or resources become contaminated, persons so 
affected have the option to buy another house and move elsewhere. For 
indigenous people it is not that simple. Our land and waters are sacred to us. 
Our land and waters embody our culture, our traditions, our kinship ties, our 
social structures, and our ability to take care of ourselves. Our lands are 


When we talk about the importance of non-proliferation of weapons we also must 
include in our discourse the essential non-proliferation of illness, forced 
relocation, and social and cultural ills in the indigenous communities that pay 
disproportionately for the adverse consequences resulting from the process, 
deployment, and storage of weapons. A relatively small number of world leaders 
and decision-makers do not have the right to destroy the well-being and 
livelihood of any society, whether large or small, in the name of global 
security. Security for indigenous people means healthy land, resources and body 
-- not the presence of weapons and the dangers they engender. Global leaders do 
not have, nor should they be allowed to assume the right, to take my security 
away so that they may feel more secure themselves.




Thank you.



Tony de Brum, of the Lolelaplap Trust, delivered this address on behalf of 
Indigenous People throughout the world to the Seventh Non-Proliferation Treaty 
Review Conference at the United Nations on May 11, 200

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