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SUPPORT AB 2115  (Goldberg)


Please CC: Eugene Herrod at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Your letter just may be the one that persuades a legislator to vote for
this bill!!

Please write a letter expressing your support for AB 2115.  You must use
your official letterhead and mail your letter by March 15, 2002.  Your
organization will be listed on the cover of the bill as a supporter.

Letter should be addressed to the author, Assemblymember Jackie Goldberg.
(Please see the sample letter attached).

You can mail letters to:
Jackie Goldberg, Assemblymember, 45th District
Attn:  Ilona Turner
State Capitol
Room 5155
Sacramento, CA 95814

Please write to your own legislators.  To find the legislators of your
district:  http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/yourleg.html

Urge your legislators to vote for AB 2115
Please describe how these "Indian" mascots have a negative impact on
California school children, particularly American Indian/Native children.
Your letter should be thoughtful and respectful of the legislator.  If you
have had a personal experience with these mascots, please describe that as

To check the status of the bill: http://www. Leginfo.ca.gov/bilinfo.html
Enter AB 2115, click "Search".

*Please send a copy of your letter to
ALLARM c/o NCCJ 1055 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1615, Los Angeles, CA 90017

Here is Assemblymember Jackie Goldberg's (45th District, Los Angeles),
Capitol Office
State Capitol
Room 5155
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 319-2045
Fax: (916) 319-2145

District Office
106 North Avenue 56
Los Angeles, 90042

(DATE BY MARCH 15, 2002)

Jackie Goldberg, Assemblymember, 45th District
Attn:  Ilona Turner
State Capitol
Room 5155
Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Assemblymember Goldberg:

RE: California Racial Mascots Act AB 2115 ? SUPPORT

We are writing to express support for California Racial Mascots Act, which
will eliminate racially offensive, insensitive, derogatory mascots or
nicknames in California public schools.

We want to add our organization’s response to the growing list of
organizations in California and around the country who believe that the
continued use of American Indian/Native American images and nicknames in
school sports is a barrier to equality and understanding. We believe that
the use of such images on public school campuses creates unhealthy learning
environments, perpetuates racial stereotypes and subjects American
Indian/Native American students to derision and discrimination.  We further
believe the elimination of these images can help create school communities
in which the traditions and identities of all cultures are valued equally.

By authoring the California Racial Mascots Act, you are offering our State
Legislature an opportunity to promote positive intercultural relationships
in publicly funded schools. We believe all citizens in California and
across the country stand to benefit from its passage.


AB 2115 (Goldberg)
(text as of 2-19-02)

Section1. The Legislature finds that the use of racially derogatory or
discriminatory school or athletic team names, mascots or nicknames in
California public schools, colleges or universities is antithetical to
those schools’ mission of providing an equal education to all.

 The Legislature further finds that certain athletic team names, mascots or
nicknames that have been and remain in use by other teams, including school
teams, in other parts of the nation are nonetheless discriminatory in
singling out the Native American/American Indian community for the derision
to which mascots or nicknames are often subjected.
 The Legislature further finds that numerous individuals and organizations
interested and experienced in the area of human relations, including the
United States Commission on Civil Rights, have concluded that the continued
use of Native American images and nicknames in school sports is a barrier
to equality and understanding, and that all residents of the United States
would benefit from the discontinuance of their use.
The Legislature further finds that no individual or school has a cognizable
interest in retaining a particular school or athletic team name, mascot or

Section 2. Section 221.2 is hereby added to the Education Code, to read:
221.2  a) All public schools, community colleges, the
California State University, and University of California are prohibited
from using any school or athletic team name, mascot, or nickname that is
derogatory or discriminatory against race, ethnicity, nationality, or
tribal group, including Redskins, Indians, Braves, Chiefs, Apaches,
Comanches or any other American Indian tribal name.
b) This section shall become operative on July 1, 2004.  The State Board of
Education may grant a one year extension upon application, if the State
Board of Education finds that the school, community college, or campus, of
the California State University or the University of California has not
anticipated the replacement of team uniforms and other equipment of this
type in the 2004-2005 fiscal year.
c) This section shall not impose any requirement upon the University of
California unless the regents of the University of California, by
resolution, makes this section applicable.
d) This section is not subject to waiver pursuant to section 33050.

Section 3. Notwithstanding Section 17610 of the Government Code, if the
Commission on State Mandates determines that this act contains costs
mandated by the state, reimbursement to local agencies and school districts
for those costs shall be made pursuant to Part 7 (commencing with Section
17500) of Division 4 of Title 2 of the Gov3ernment Code.  If the statewide
cost of the claim for reimbursement does not exceed one million dollars
($1,000,000), reimbursement shall be made from the State Mandates Claims

SUPPORT AB 2115 (Goldberg)   HOW YOU CAN HELP!!!

® Use your influence:  Get California tribes, state, and national
organizations, teachers unions, to send letters of support by March 15,
2002 deadline.  This is Urgent!!!!

® Contact your legislators:  Ask for their support of AB 2115 (Goldberg).

® Talk to your friends:  Ask everyone you know to write letters of support
to their California legislators.  To find your legislators:

® Email people:  Send out information to your email lists, ask
organizations to notify membership. Post the information on websites.

® Collect mascot samples:  Send samples of "Indian" mascots in California
public schools to ALLARM c/o NCCJ 1055 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1615, Los
Angeles, CA 90017.  These will be displayed at the policy hearing so
legislators can see these images for themselves.

® Host a fundraiser:  Have a great time and raise money for this important

® Donate money:  Funds are needed to pay for photocopying, mailing,
telephone, travel to Sacramento to give testimony and meet with
legislators. For tax purposes, NCCJ will act as a fiscal receiver for
ALLARM.  All donations will be used for direct expenses for ALLARM.  No
funds will be used for administration or staff salaries.  Please make
checks payable to:  NCCJ/ALLARM, same address as above.

Madoe!     Thank you!

Need a new way to manage people & everyday relationships?
Improve your business with help from Ken Blanchard and some
killer whales. Yes, whales.  Read more about WHALE DONE!

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