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Harvard holds warm welcome for Native Americans

The ivy-covered walls of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts can
seem intimidating to anyone at first glance.  The bustling urban campus is
filled with apparent scholars lost in the spirit of academic excellence and
clearly focused on the goals ahead.  It is an easy place for students to
feel overwhelmed and even a bit alone.  For Native American students, many
of whom are far away from their homes and support systems for the first
time, it can be even more challenging.  The Harvard University Native
American Program (HUNAP) combats these challenges by providing a warm and
welcoming community for its students through many academic and social

Native American education is woven into the history of Harvard beginning
with its Charter of 1650 calling for "the education of the English and
Indian youth of this Country."  Today at the University there are
approximately 110 Native American students, representing some 40 tribes.
The mission of HUNAP is to bring together Native American students and
interested individuals from the Harvard community for the purpose of
advancing the well-being of indigenous peoples through self-determination,
academic achievement, and community service.

HUNAP’s dedicated and professional staff strives to facilitate student
leadership, encourage interaction among Harvard's various Native American
student groups, and help students cope with the many demands of their
academic and personal lives by providing intellectual, spiritual,
emotional, and personal support.  HUNAP maintains a relationship with
Native student groups and works to address needs and concerns of students.
In addition, HUNAP collaborates with Native alumni in the recruitment of
Native American students to sustain strong Native student presence and
leadership throughout the university.

Morgan Rodman ’02, a member of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, said he
never considered Harvard before, but encouraging phone calls and letters
from current Native students sparked his interest.  "Ultimately, without
the recruiters extra efforts and genuine concern to reach out and connect
with prospective Native students, I cannot say with certainty that I would
have enrolled at Harvard."   Rodman also says that HUNAP and his
involvement in the student organizations has helped in "providing a
supportive environment for Native students and also gives companionship and
guidance."    HUNAP sponsors fellowships and visiting scholars to share
experiences as members of academic and Native communities.  These
opportunities also nurture collaborative efforts among students and provide
mentoring relationships between students, graduate and professional
students, and faculty and alumni.  HUNAP also directly supports courses
focused on Native American issues that draw on the expertise of members of
the HUNAP Faculty Advisory Board and the Visiting Senior Scholar.     A
number of Native student groups at Harvard University provide the
opportunity to become involved in social and cultural activities of the
community as well as in groups focusing on such topics as Law, Medicine,
and Public Policy.  HUNAP believes that students are the best advocates for
educational opportunities at Harvard, and students are encouraged to take
an active role in the Faculty Advisory Board and other decision making
committees of HUNAP.  As advocates for higher education, students in the
Take Home Harvard recruitment initiative visit their home communities to
conduct informational sessions at their former schools.

Tom Dapice, a Delaware/Cherokee student at the JFK School of Government,
remarks,  "Something I noticed early on when I came to Harvard was the
relatively high number of American Indian students here and the quality of
the school's Native American program.  Becoming involved in the Indian
community at Harvard has been a great experience.  I've really enjoyed
socializing with other Native students here, learning about different
tribal cultures and participating in the various Native events that are
offered.  I only wish that more people knew about Harvard's Native
community back in Oklahoma and other parts of the country.  Although
Oklahoma has a large Indian population, I don't recall seeing any
information about Harvard's Native programs when I was in high school and
applying for college.  I hope to create more awareness for prospective
Native students about what there educational options are."

Historic Read House (shown here) is home for HUNAP.  It provides Native
students with a vibrant gathering place for cultural and intellectual
exchange.  Inside students have access to a lounge with networked
computers, television/VCR, telephone services, fax machine, photocopier and
a small library and archives.  Many of our social events take place here,
including potlucks, town meetings and guest speakers.

Although Harvard and the Boston area can be quite a change from a
small-town or rural upbringing, there is a warm community family waiting
for you.  Dr. Ken Pepion, executive director and a member of the Blackfeet
Tribe of Montana, says, "We sincerely hope that you will consider Harvard
as you explore undergraduate and graduate programs. With its diversity and
academic distinction, Harvard is an excellent place to learn and grow."

If you or someone you know is interested in visiting the Harvard campus, or
would like more information, please contact Lee Bitsoi, Program
Coordinator, at 617-495-9058 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can also visit the website at www.gse.harvard.edu/~nap/index.html.


André Cramblit: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Operations Director Northern California Indian Development Council

NCIDC (http://www.ncidc.org) is a non-profit that meets the development
needs of American Indians and operates an art gallery featuring the art of
California tribes (http://www.americanindianonline.com)

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