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> >Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2002 16:46:36 -0500
> >From: Gelvin Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >    i hope this finds you all in good health, in all its dimensions.
> >    i called Elsie Meeks who referred me to her assistant, Patrick Duffy,
> >for data. here's what i found out, along with the Civil Rights Commission's
> >statement:
> >    hope this helps.
> >Gelvin
> >
> >    In response to the controversy on the Civil Rights Commission about
> >whether the mascot issue was confined to "Indian activists," the Commission
> >received 500 letters, emails & faxes plus numerous calls on the issue. The
> >calls were mostly pro mascots and from the DC area. (Presumably football
> >fans.) The vast majority-about 400-of the letters, emails and faxes were
> >from Native Americans (self identified in the letter). There were all in
> >support of Elsie's call for a statement by the Commission.
> >    Patrick said that this campaign owed a lot to Christine Rose, STAR,
> >Students and Teachers Against Racism, who started the letter writing
> >campaign.
> >
> >
> >www.usccr.gov
> >
> >http://www.usccr.gov/nwsrel/2001/041601st.htm
> >
> >
> >The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights calls for an end to the use of Native
> >American images and team names by non-Native schools. The Commission deeply
> >respects the rights of all Americans to freedom of expression under the
> >First Amendment and in no way would attempt to prescribe how people can
> >express themselves. However, the Commission believes that the use of Native
> >American images and nicknames in school is insensitive and should be
> >avoided. In addition, some Native American and civil rights advocates
> >maintain that these mascots may violate anti-discrimination laws. These
> >references, whether mascots and their performances, logos, or names, are
> >disrespectful and offensive to American Indians and others who are offended
> >by such stereotyping. They are particularly inappropriate and insensitive in
> >light of the long history of forced assimilation that American Indian people
> >have endured in this country.
> >
> >Since the civil rights movement of the 1960s many overtly derogatory symbols
> >and images offensive to African-Americans have been eliminated. However,
> >many secondary schools, post-secondary institutions, and a number of
> >professional sports teams continue to use Native American nicknames and
> >imagery. Since the 1970s, American Indian leaders and organizations have
> >vigorously voiced their opposition to these mascots and team names because
> >they mock and trivialize Native American religion and culture.
> >
> >It is particularly disturbing that Native American references are still to
> >be found in educational institutions, whether elementary, secondary or
> >post-secondary. Schools are places where diverse groups of people come
> >together to learn not only the "Three Rs," but also how to interact
> >respectfully with people from different cultures. The use of stereotypical
> >images of Native Americans by educational institutions has the potential to
> >create a racially hostile educational environment that may be intimidating
> >to Indian students. American Indians have the lowest high school graduation
> >rates in the nation and even lower college attendance and graduation rates.
> >The perpetuation of harmful stereotypes may exacerbate these problems.
> >
> >The stereotyping of any racial, ethnic, religious or other groups when
> >promoted by our public educational institutions, teach all students that
> >stereotyping of minority groups is acceptable, a dangerous lesson in a
> >diverse society. Schools have a responsibility to educate their students;
> >they should not use their influence to perpetuate misrepresentations of any
> >culture or people. Children at the elementary and secondary level usually
> >have no choice about which school they attend. Further, the assumption that
> >a college student may freely choose another educational institution if she
> >feels uncomfortable around Indian-based imagery is a false one. Many
> >factors, from educational programs to financial aid to proximity to home,
> >limit a college student's choices. It is particularly onerous if the student
> >must also consider whether or not the institution is maintaining a racially
> >hostile environment for Indian students.
> >
> >Schools that continue to use Indian imagery and references claim that their
> >use stimulates interest in Native American culture and honors Native
> >Americans. These institutions have simply failed to listen to the Native
> >groups, religious leaders, and civil rights organizations that oppose these
> >symbols. These Indian-based symbols and team names are not accurate
> >representations of Native Americans. Even those that purport to be positive
> >are romantic stereotypes that give a distorted view of the past. These false
> >portrayals prevent non-Native Americans from understanding the true
> >historical and cultural experiences of American Indians. Sadly, they also
> >encourage biases and prejudices that have a negative effect on contemporary
> >Indian people. These references may encourage interest in mythical "Indians"
> >created by the dominant culture, but they block genuine understanding of
> >contemporary Native people as fellow Americans.
> >
> >The Commission assumes that when Indian imagery was first adopted for sports
> >mascots it was not to offend Native Americans. However, the use of the
> >imagery and traditions, no matter how popular, should end when they are
> >offensive. We applaud those who have been leading the fight to educate the
> >public and the institutions that have voluntarily discontinued the use of
> >insulting mascots. Dialogue and education are the roads to understanding.
> >The use of American Indian mascots is not a trivial matter. The Commission
> >has a firm understanding of the problems of poverty, education, housing, and
> >health care that face many Native Americans. The fight to eliminate Indian
> >nicknames and images in sports is only one front of the larger battle to
> >eliminate obstacles that confront American Indians. The elimination of
> >Native American nicknames and images as sports mascots will benefit not only
> >Native Americans, but all Americans. The elimination of stereotypes will
> >make room for education about real Indian people, current Native American
> >issues, and the rich variety of American Indian cultures in our country.


André Cramblit: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Operations Director Northern California Indian Development Council

NCIDC (http://www.ncidc.org) is a non-profit that meets the development needs of
American Indians and operates an art gallery featuring the art of California
tribes (http://www.americanindianonline.com)

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