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Hi folks!  The March/April issue of Autumn Leaves is out there in 
cyberspace now – just waiting for you to read all the wonderful poems in 
it.  In case you don’t remember or never knew, Autumn Leaves is an 
on-line poetry journal that I publish every two months.  Its URL is 

We have, as usual, a few new authors.  So let’s give a special welcome 
to Amias, Candace McBride, Christos G. Rigakos, D P Thomas, Ganga Anand, 
J B Conway, Kathleen P. Egan, Lakshmi Anand, Naia, Narayanan 
Raghunathan, Robert L. Temple, Robert Zaskoda, Sara L. Russell, Stephen 
Clay Dearborn, and Susie.

I am, of course, now taking submissions for the May/June issue.

I am very sad to announce that one of the poets who has been with me 
almost from the beginning of Autumn Leaves, Arthur James McAllister, 
died very recently of cancer.  He was a wonderful author – and I will 
miss his posts, not only about poetry, but also about Indian issues and 
about life in general.  His death was so recent that I have not yet had 
time to write a memorial poem for him.  Perhaps I will do one for the 
next issue.

In the meantime, take really good care of yourselves and your loved 


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