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We walk the path of late winter
Rebirth yearns and churns about us.
Our steps are muffled by the noise of dead leaves
and small limbs covering our goal.

Storm clouds gather
The whirl wind swirls around us
The wind screams with the voices of those unsure
Lost - seeking our strength

The pain is deafening
Our minds become unsure of our own paths.
Yet we walk on from our hearts - true to our own path
Undeterred by the cries of others.

Spring settles about us now, the wind is gentle
Soft voices whisper once more to our hearts
The path has been swept clean once more - our steps are soft and quiet.
Sure once more on a path clearly seen once again.

Walk on my friend
Winter s debris is being cleared from your path
The green moss softly calls to you
Peace returns to your walk.

Once again distractions will be gone and purpose will call to you
Rebirth of the land - Rebirth of our spirit!
The circle continues - so do the *oyate!


*oyate = people

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