And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 08:10:44 -0800
From: Shundahai Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Subject: Subcritical "Clarinet" conducted at 1:58 pm PST 2/9

Dear Friends,

We are sad to announce the completion of the sixth U.S. subcritical nuclear weapons test at the Nevada Test Site since the program was begun in 1997. This test involved 6 ounces of plutonium and was exploded at 1:58 pm U.S. PST on Tuesday.

Darwin Morgan, Department of Energy (DOE) spokesperson, said " The primary objectives of Clarinet were to observe the speed and surface effects of the plutonium as it blew apart when shocked by the energy from detonating chemical-high explosives." (This plutonium is left 680 feet in the ground dangerously near groundwater that has already been found to be contaminated with plutonium and tritium from past nuclear explosions.) Morgan said Tuesdays experiment will help expand the knowledge base that scientists from the national Laboratories are developing under the stockpile Stewardship Program, a key element of the DOE's $6.2 billion defense budget the Clinton administration has requested for next year.

Corbin Harney, a Newe (Western Shoshone) elder, who's land was stolen to create the test site and other military bases, began a prayer ceremony at 9am. People from Healing Global Wounds, Shundahai Network, Alliance of Atomic Veterans, Nevada Desert Experience and other groups maintained a vigil all morning at the Mercury gates to the test site. Nine people were arrested for blocking the road at around the same time that "Clarinet" was exploded. They were cited for trespass and released. Later that afternoon others gathered in front of the Las Vegas Foley Federal Building for a small but spirited protest vigil.

We hope to hear reports from the actions that took place at the Bechtel Headquarters in San Francisco and elsewhere. Thank you especially to our friends at Tri Valley CARES for organizing that event with such short notice. We in Nevada continue to be inspired by your dedication.

Thank you to every one involved in the important work of nuclear abolition around the world. Peace.
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"Peace and Harmony with all Creation"
5007 Elmhurst St., Las Vegas, NV 89108-1304 
Phone:(702)647-3095 (FAX)647-9385 

Shundahai Network is proud to be part of:

Healing Global Wounds Alliance, a multi-cultural alliance to
foster sustainable living and break the nuclear chain; and

Abolition 2000: A Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons

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          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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